Nepali Unicode
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Nepali Unicode

Hard to type letters and other charecters? You can click on the button bellow to type.

    Suggestion Word Appears Here!
    नेपाली रोमनमा लेख्नुहोस् !
    नेपाली युनिकोड नतिजा!
    Smart Converter

    Other Unicode Tools

  • Unicode to Preeti Font Converter
  • Preeti Font to Unicode Converter
  • English to Neplai Converter

  • Did you know that you can mix basic conversion with smart conversion? Simply put any text you want to perform basic conversion on inside the square [] brackets. Example: kathmandu [kathmandu] = काठमाडौं कथ्मन्दु | के तपाईंलाई थाहा छ, तपाईंले चलाख र मूलभूत परिवर्तन लाई मिसाउन पनि सक्नुहुन्छ । त्यसका लागि मूलभूत परिवर्तन गर्नु पर्ने शब्दहरुलाई ठूलो ब्राकेट [] भित्र राख्नुहोस् । उदाहरण: kathmandu [kathmandu] = काठमाडौं कथ्मन्दु ... You can also mix English into your Nepali text. Simply put any text you want to keep in English inside the curly {} brackets. Example: yo {software} tapailai kasto lagyo ta? = यो software तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्यो त? | तपाईंले नेपाली र अङ्रेजी लाई पनि मिसाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । त्यसका लागि, Ctrl र U लाई एकैपल्ट दबाउनु होस् अङ्रेजी राख्नुपर्ने शब्दहरुलाई जुङे ब्राकेट {} भित्र राख्नुहोस् । उदाहरण: yo {software} tapailai kasto lagyo ta? = यो software तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्यो त? | More tips... If a letter gets wrongly evaluated with the next letter, use the slash (/) key to separate. Example: pratishatko = प्रतिशत्को, pratishat/ko = प्रतिशतको | थप सन्देशहरु... कुनै शब्द त्रुटिपूर्ण रुपमा अर्को शब्दसँग मिसिन पुग्यो भने, छुट्याउनका लागि slash (/) अक्षर प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । उदाहरण: pratishatko = प्रतिशत्को, pratishat/ko = प्रतिशतको | To force a हलन्त at the end of a word, use the backslash (\) key. Example: bas = बस, bas\ = बस् | शब्दको अन्त्यमा हलन्त राख्नको लागि backslash (\) अक्षर प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । Example: bas = बस, bas\ = बस् | Mapping of the phonetically similar letters: ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष ... उस्तै सुनिने अक्षरहरुको लागि यसरी टाईप गर्नुहोस्: ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष ... The case (upper or lower) doesn't matter for the rest of the letters. | अरु अक्षरहरुको लागि ठुलोवर्ण वा सानोवर्ण जसरी टाईप गर्नु भए पनि हुन्छ । | Mapping of the special letters: ri^ = ्रि (as in प्रि), rr = र्‍ (as in गर्‍यो) , rri = ऋ, rree = ॠ, yna = ञ , chha = छ, ksha = क्ष, gyna = ज्ञ, * = अनुस्वर (as in संबिधान), ** = चन्द्रबिन्दु (as in यहाँ), om = ॐ ... अन्य बिशेष अक्षरहरुको लागि यसरी टाईप गर्नुहोस्: ri^ = ्रि (जस्तो: प्रि), rr = र्‍ (जस्तो: गर्‍यो) , rri = ऋ, rree = ॠ, yna = ञ , chha = छ, ksha = क्ष, gyna = ज्ञ, * = अनुस्वर (जस्तो: संबिधान), ** = चन्द्रबिन्दु (जस्तो: यहाँ), om = ॐ ... For a complete map, click here... | पूर्णरुपमा बिस्तृत तालिकाको लागि माथिको 'मद्दत पाना' लिंकमा क्लिक गर्नुहोस्... ... To pause or resume this ticker, please click here. यी सन्देश हरुलाई बन्द गर्न वा चलाऊन यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस् ।

    Nepali Albhabets:
    13 Vowels: अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अँ
    36 Consonants: क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ, द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म, य, र, ल, व, श, ष, स, ह, क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ
    Half Consonants: क्, ख्, ग्, घ्, ङ्, च्, छ्, ज्, झ्, ञ्, ट्, ठ्, ड्, ढ्, ण्, त्, थ्, द्, ध्, न्, प्, फ्, ब्, भ्, म्, य्, र्, ल्, व्, श्, ष्, स्, ह्, क्ष्, त्र्, ज्ञ्
    Characters: ा, ि, ी, ु, ू, े, ै, ो, ौ, ं, ँ, ः, ्, ृ, ॐ, ऋ, ॠ, ऌ, श्र
    Characters: १, २, ३, ४, ५, ६, ७, ८, ९, ०
    Full Stop (पूर्ण बिराम) - ।

    And More:-

    Tips and Tricks for Unicode
    Combine English into your Nepali unicode text: Simply put any english text inside the curly {} brackets to keep it in English. Example: yo {mobile} mero ho. = यो mobile मेरो हो।
    Some phonetically similar Nepali letters: ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष. For rest of the Nepali alphabate letters - the upper or lower case doesn't matter.
    If a Nepali letter gets wrongly analyze with the preceding letter, use the slash (/) key to separate. Example: pratishatko = प्रतिशत्को, pratishat/ko = प्रतिशतको |
    शब्दको अन्त्यमा हलन्त राख्नको लागि backslash (\) अक्षर प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । Example: bas = बस, bas\ = बस् |
    Other special characters
    ri^ = रि (as in प्र)
    rr= र्‍ (as in गर्‍य)
    rri = ऋ
    rree = ॠ
    yna = ञ
    chha = छ
    ksha = क्ष
    gya = ज्ञ
    * = शिरबिन्दु / अनुस्वर
    ** = चन्द्रबिन्दु
    om =ॐ

    This Nepali Unicode converter is one of the most efficient converter that exists. Nepali Unicode converter/writer software helps to convert English/Roman word to Nepali unicode. Nepali or Type unicode nepali is one of the most used application because many nepali people need to express their information in Nepali Language. This nepali unicode converter is one of the easiest way to type in nepali unicode font. User need to type or write in nepali romanized font then this application will automatically convert romanized nepali text into nepali unicode font. After typing in nepali unicode copy the text and use it whereever you can like chatting, email writing, media news writting etc. We have studied so much before building this unicode converter to make our nepali users efficient for nepali writing or nepali typing.

    Eventhough this application can be modified to make it work more efficiently than it is now. So please don't forget to send the feedback. Nepali Unicode converter is very easy for typing in nepali.

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