How To Add or Create HTML Sitemap Page in Blogspot Blog
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How To Add or Create HTML Sitemap Page in Blogspot Blog

A sitemap is a list of pages of a web site and visual or textually organized model of a website's content designed to help both users & search engine.

What is sitemap?

A sitemap is a list of pages of a web site and visual or textually organized model of a website's content designed to help both users and search engines, that allows to navigate through the site to find the information they are looking for. A site map is a kind of interactive table of contents, in which each listed item links directly to its counterpart sections of the Web site.

Typically, sitemaps are organized hierarchically, breaking down the Web site's information into increasingly specific subject areas. Many sites have user-visible sitemaps that present a systematic view, typically hierarchical, of the site. These are intended to help visitors find specific pages, and can also be used by crawlers. Alphabetically organized site maps, sometimes called site indexes, are a different approach.

There are a number of different types of site maps: organizational chart site maps are quite similar in appearance to a traditional table of contents; others, based on a perspective view of the site, are like a three dimensional model with individual pages upright, like index cards, arranged in sections and linked by lines.

There are three primary kinds of site map:

  1. Site maps used during the planning of a Web site by its designers
  2. Human-visible listings, typically hierarchical, of the pages on a site
  3. Structured listings intended for web crawlers such as search engines

When the site map is for users, it's just a plain HTML file with a listing of all the major pages on a site. This is what this tutorial is about.

What Is HTML Sitemap?

HTML sitemap is a regular HTML page that can be read by search engine bots as well as by visitors. The main purpose of using HTML based sitemap is to represent all your posts in an organized manner so that your users can navigate all of your posts through a single page. HTML sitemaps ostensibly serve website visitors. The sitemaps include every page on the website – from the main pages to lower-level pages. An HTML sitemap is just a clickable list of pages on a website. This is what this tutorial is about, we're going to create an HTML sitemap page for our blogger blog.

Follow the steps to Create HTML Sitemap Page In Blogger Blog

HTML Sitemap shows a nicely organized of your published post on a page. This tutorial is geared toward how to create HTML Sitemap Page For Blogger Blog. There are many styles that we shall look at, so continue!

  1. Login to Blogger Dashboard Click Here
  2. Go to the → Pages and click on the New Page button to create sitemap page.
  3. Name the title Sitemap then, Go to HTML feild
  4. Copy the given codes below and Paste html sitemap page codes, Clear any default code inside the HTML field before pasting the provided code below, if there are some.
  5. Go to page setting then, write the search description keywords and click on done then, choose the Reader comments option from option menu
  6. Publish your sitemap page

p.labels a{color: #242424; text-transform: uppercase;font-size: 12px;} {color: #0000FF;}
ol li{list-style-type:decimal;line-height:22px;}
var postTitle=new Array();var postUrl=new Array();var postPublished=new Array();var postDate=new Array();var postLabels=new Array();var postRecent=new Array();var sortBy="titleasc";var tocLoaded=false;var numChars=250;var postFilter="";var numberfeed=0;function bloggersitemap(a){function b(){if("entry" in a.feed){var d=a.feed.entry.length;numberfeed=d;ii=0;for(var h=0;h<d;h++){var n=a.feed.entry[h];var e=n.title.$t;var m=n.published.$t.substring(0,10);var j;for(var g=0;g<;g++){if([g].rel=="alternate"){[g].href;break}}var o="";for(var g=0;g<;g++){if([g].rel=="enclosure"){[g].href;break}}var c="";if("category" in n){for(var g=0;g<n.category.length;g++){c=n.category[g].term;var f=c.lastIndexOf(";");if(f!=-1){c=c.substring(0,f)}postLabels[ii]=c;postTitle[ii]=e;postDate[ii]=m;postUrl[ii]=j;postPublished[ii]=o;if(h<10){postRecent[ii]=true}else{postRecent[ii]=false}ii=ii+1}}}}}b();sortBy="titleasc";sortPosts(sortBy);sortlabel();tocLoaded=true;displayToc2();}function filterPosts(a){scroll(0,0);postFilter=a;displayToc(postFilter)}function allPosts(){sortlabel();postFilter="";displayToc(postFilter)}function sortPosts(d){function c(e,g){var f=postTitle[e];postTitle[e]=postTitle[g];postTitle[g]=f;var f=postDate[e];postDate[e]=postDate[g];postDate[g]=f;var f=postUrl[e];postUrl[e]=postUrl[g];postUrl[g]=f;var f=postLabels[e];postLabels[e]=postLabels[g];postLabels[g]=f;var f=postPublished[e];postPublished[e]=postPublished[g];postPublished[g]=f;var f=postRecent[e];postRecent[e]=postRecent[g];postRecent[g]=f}for(var b=0;b<postTitle.length-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<postTitle.length;a++){if(d=="titleasc"){if(postTitle[b]>postTitle[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="titledesc"){if(postTitle[b]<postTitle[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="dateoldest"){if(postDate[b]>postDate[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="datenewest"){if(postDate[b]<postDate[a]){c(b,a)}}if(d=="orderlabel"){if(postLabels[b]>postLabels[a]){c(b,a)}}}}}function sortlabel(){sortBy="orderlabel";sortPosts(sortBy);var a=0;var b=0;while(b<postTitle.length){temp1=postLabels[b];firsti=a;do{a=a+1}while(postLabels[a]==temp1);b=a;sortPosts2(firsti,a);if(b>postTitle.length){break}}}function sortPosts2(d,c){function e(f,h){var g=postTitle[f];postTitle[f]=postTitle[h];postTitle[h]=g;var g=postDate[f];postDate[f]=postDate[h];postDate[h]=g;var g=postUrl[f];postUrl[f]=postUrl[h];postUrl[h]=g;var g=postLabels[f];postLabels[f]=postLabels[h];postLabels[h]=g;var g=postPublished[f];postPublished[f]=postPublished[h];postPublished[h]=g;var g=postRecent[f];postRecent[f]=postRecent[h];postRecent[h]=g}for(var b=d;b<c-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<c;a++){if(postTitle[b]>postTitle[a]){e(b,a)}}}}function displayToc(a){var l=0;var h="";var e="Post Title";var m="Click to sort by title";var d="Date";var k="Click to sort by date";var c="Category";var j="";if(sortBy=="titleasc"){m+=" (descending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="titledesc"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="dateoldest"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (newest first)"}if(sortBy=="datenewest"){m+=" (ascending)";k+=" (oldest first)"}if(postFilter!=""){j="Click to view all"}h+="<table>";h+="<tr>";h+='<td class="header1">';h+='<a href="javascript:toggleTitleSort();" title="'+m+'">'+e+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header2">';h+='<a href="javascript:toggleDateSort();" title="'+k+'">'+d+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header3">';h+='<a href="javascript:allPosts();" title="'+j+'">'+c+"</a>";h+="</td>";h+='<td class="header4">';h+="Read all";h+="</td>";h+="</tr>";for(var g=0;g<postTitle.length;g++){if(a==""){h+='<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="'+postUrl[g]+'">'+postTitle[g]+'</a></td><td class="entry2">'+postDate[g]+'</td><td class="entry3">'+postLabels[g]+'</td><td class="entry4"><a href="'+postPublished[g]+'">Read</a></td></tr>';l++}else{z=postLabels[g].lastIndexOf(a);if(z!=-1){h+='<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="'+postUrl[g]+'">'+postTitle[g]+'</a></td><td class="entry2">'+postDate[g]+'</td><td class="entry3">'+postLabels[g]+'</td><td class="entry4"><a href="'+postPublished[g]+'">Read</a></td></tr>';l++}}}h+="</table>";if(l==postTitle.length){var f='<span class="toc-note">Show All '+postTitle.length+" Posts<br/></span>"}else{var f='<span class="toc-note">Show '+l+" posts by category '";f+=postFilter+"' the "+postTitle.length+" Total Posts<br/></span>"}var b=document.getElementById("toc");b.innerHTML=f+h}function displayToc2(){var a=0;var b=0;while(b<postTitle.length){temp1=postLabels[b];document.write("<p/>");document.write('<p class="labels"><a href="/search/label/'+temp1+'">'+temp1+"</a></p><ol>");firsti=a;do{document.write("<li>");document.write('<a class="post-titles" href="'+postUrl[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a>");if(postRecent[a]==true){document.write(' - <strong><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">New!</span></strong>')}document.write("</li>");a=a+1}while(postLabels[a]==temp1);b=a;document.write("</ol>");sortPosts2(firsti,a);if(b>postTitle.length){break}}}function toggleTitleSort(){if(sortBy=="titleasc"){sortBy="titledesc"}else{sortBy="titleasc"}sortPosts(sortBy);displayToc(postFilter)}function toggleDateSort(){if(sortBy=="datenewest"){sortBy="dateoldest"}else{sortBy="datenewest"}sortPosts(sortBy);displayToc(postFilter)}function showToc(){if(tocLoaded){displayToc(postFilter);var a=document.getElementById("toclink")}else{alert("Just wait... TOC is loading")}}function hideToc(){var a=document.getElementById("toc");a.innerHTML="";var b=document.getElementById("toclink");b.innerHTML='<a href="#" onclick="scroll(0,0); showToc(); Effect.toggle(\'toc-result\',\'blind\');">?? Display Table of Contents</a> <img src=""/>'}function looptemp2(){for(var a=0;a<numberfeed;a++){document.write("<br>");document.write('Post Link : <a href="'+postUrl[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a><br>");document.write('Read all : <a href="'+postPublished[a]+'">'+postTitle[a]+"</a><br>");document.write("<br>")}};
<script src="/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&alt=json-in-script&callback=bloggersitemap"></script>

<div id="mero-sitemap"></div>
<style type="text/css">
#mero-sitemap{color:#000;margin:0 auto;max-height:686px;overflow:hidden;overflow-y:auto}
span.sitemap-note{margin:0 auto 25px auto;text-align:center;line-height:normal;display:table;position:relative;overflow:hidden;font-size:14px;padding:10px 20px;background:#007bff;background-image:linear-gradient(50deg,#ff4169,#8b41f6);background-size:100%;color:#fff;border-radius:99em;font-weight:500;transition:all .3s}
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@media screen and (max-width:768px){
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// ---------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------
// BlogToc creates a clickable Table Of Contents for
// Blogger Blogs.
// It uses the JSON post feed, and create a ToC of it.
// The ToC can be sorted by title or by date, both
// ascending and descending, and can be filtered by
// label.
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Author: Beautiful Beta
// Url:
// Version: 2
// Date: 2007-04-12
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Modified by Aneesh 
// Date : 02-08-2011
// global arrays
   var postTitle = new Array();     // array of posttitles
   var postUrl = new Array();       // array of posturls
   var postDate = new Array();      // array of post publish dates
   var postSum = new Array();       // array of post summaries
   var postLabels = new Array();    // array of post labels

// global variables
   var sortBy = "datenewest";         // default value for sorting ToC
   var sitemapLoaded = false;           // true if feed is read and ToC can be displayed
   var numChars = 250;              // number of characters in post summary
   var postFilter = '';             // default filter value
   var sitemapdiv = document.getElementById("mero-sitemap"); //the sitemap container
   var totalEntires =0; //Entries grabbed till now
   var totalPosts =0; //Total number of posts in the blog.

// main callback function

function loadsitemap(json) {

   function getPostData() {
   // this functions reads all postdata from the json-feed and stores it in arrays
      if ("entry" in json.feed) {
         var numEntries = json.feed.entry.length;
         totalEntires = totalEntires + numEntries;
         var nextjsoncall = document.createElement('script');
         nextjsoncall.type = 'text/javascript';
         nextjsoncall.setAttribute("src", "/feeds/posts/summary?start-index=" + startindex + "&max-results=500&alt=json-in-script&callback=loadsitemap");
      // main loop gets all the entries from the feed
         for (var i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
         // get the entry from the feed
            var entry = json.feed.entry[i];

         // get the posttitle from the entry
            var posttitle = entry.title.$t;

         // get the post date from the entry
            var postdate = entry.published.$t.substring(0,10);

         // get the post url from the entry
            var posturl;
            for (var k = 0; k <; k++) {
               if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {
               posturl =[k].href;

         // get the post contents from the entry
         // strip all html-characters, and reduce it to a summary
            if ("content" in entry) {
               var postcontent = entry.content.$t;}
               if ("summary" in entry) {
                  var postcontent = entry.summary.$t;}
               else var postcontent = "";
         // strip off all html-tags
            var re = /<\S[^>]*>/g; 
            postcontent = postcontent.replace(re, "");
         // reduce postcontent to numchar characters, and then cut it off at the last whole word
            if (postcontent.length > numChars) {
               postcontent = postcontent.substring(0,numChars);
               var quoteEnd = postcontent.lastIndexOf(" ");
               postcontent = postcontent.substring(0,quoteEnd) + '...';

         // get the post labels from the entry
            var pll = '';
            if ("category" in entry) {
               for (var k = 0; k < entry.category.length; k++) {
                  pll += '<a href="javascript:filterPosts(\'' + entry.category[k].term + '\');" title="Click here to select all posts with label \'' + entry.category[k].term + '\'">' + entry.category[k].term + '</a>,  ';
            var l = pll.lastIndexOf(',');
            if (l != -1) { pll = pll.substring(0,l); }

         // add the post data to the arrays
      if(totalEntires==totalPosts) {sitemapLoaded=true;showToc();}
   } // end of getPostData

// start of showsitemap function body
// get the number of entries that are in the feed
//   numEntries = json.feed.entry.length;

// get the postdata from the feed

// sort the arrays
   sitemapLoaded = true;

// filter and sort functions

function filterPosts(filter) {
// This function changes the filter
// and displays the filtered list of posts
  // document.getElementById("mero-sitemap").scrollTop = document.getElementById("mero-sitemap").offsetTop;;
   postFilter = filter;
} // end filterPosts

function allPosts() {
// This function resets the filter
// and displays all posts

   postFilter = '';
} // end allPosts

function sortPosts(sortBy) {
// This function is a simple bubble-sort routine
// that sorts the posts

   function swapPosts(x,y) {
   // Swaps 2 ToC-entries by swapping all array-elements
      var temp = postTitle[x];
      postTitle[x] = postTitle[y];
      postTitle[y] = temp;
      var temp = postDate[x];
      postDate[x] = postDate[y];
      postDate[y] = temp;
      var temp = postUrl[x];
      postUrl[x] = postUrl[y];
      postUrl[y] = temp;
      var temp = postSum[x];
      postSum[x] = postSum[y];
      postSum[y] = temp;
      var temp = postLabels[x];
      postLabels[x] = postLabels[y];
      postLabels[y] = temp;
   } // end swapPosts

   for (var i=0; i < postTitle.length-1; i++) {
      for (var j=i+1; j<postTitle.length; j++) {
         if (sortBy == "titleasc") { if (postTitle[i] > postTitle[j]) { swapPosts(i,j); } }
         if (sortBy == "titledesc") { if (postTitle[i] < postTitle[j]) { swapPosts(i,j); } }
         if (sortBy == "dateoldest") { if (postDate[i] > postDate[j]) { swapPosts(i,j); } }
         if (sortBy == "datenewest") { if (postDate[i] < postDate[j]) { swapPosts(i,j); } }
} // end sortPosts

// displaying the sitemap

function displayToc(filter) {
// this function creates a three-column table and adds it to the screen
   var numDisplayed = 0;
   var sitemapTable = '';
   var sitemapHead1 = 'POST TITLE';
   var sitemapTool1 = 'Click to sort by title';
   var sitemapHead2 = 'POST DATE';
   var sitemapTool2 = 'Click to sort by date';
   var sitemapHead3 = 'LABELS';
   var sitemapTool3 = '';
   if (sortBy == "titleasc") { 
      sitemapTool1 += ' (descending)';
      sitemapTool2 += ' (newest first)';
   if (sortBy == "titledesc") { 
      sitemapTool1 += ' (ascending)';
      sitemapTool2 += ' (newest first)';
   if (sortBy == "dateoldest") { 
      sitemapTool1 += ' (ascending)';
      sitemapTool2 += ' (newest first)';
   if (sortBy == "datenewest") { 
      sitemapTool1 += ' (ascending)';
      sitemapTool2 += ' (oldest first)';
   if (postFilter != '') {
      sitemapTool3 = 'Click to show all posts';
   sitemapTable += '<table>';
   sitemapTable += '<tr>';
   sitemapTable += '<td class="sitemap-header-col1">';
   sitemapTable += '<a href="javascript:toggleTitleSort();" title="' + sitemapTool1 + '">' + sitemapHead1 + '</a>';
   sitemapTable += '</td>';
   sitemapTable += '<td class="sitemap-header-col2">';
   sitemapTable += '<a href="javascript:toggleDateSort();" title="' + sitemapTool2 + '">' + sitemapHead2 + '</a>';
   sitemapTable += '</td>';
   sitemapTable += '<td class="sitemap-header-col3">';
   sitemapTable += '<a href="javascript:allPosts();" title="' + sitemapTool3 + '">' + sitemapHead3 + '</a>';
   sitemapTable += '</td>';
   sitemapTable += '</tr>';
   for (var i = 0; i < postTitle.length; i++) {
      if (filter == '') {
         sitemapTable += '<tr><td class="sitemap-entry-col1"><a href="' + postUrl[i] + '" title="' + postSum[i] + '">' + postTitle[i] + '</a></td><td class="sitemap-entry-col2">' + postDate[i] + '</td><td class="sitemap-entry-col3">' + postLabels[i] + '</td></tr>';
      } else {
          z = postLabels[i].lastIndexOf(filter);
          if ( z!= -1) {
             sitemapTable += '<tr><td class="sitemap-entry-col1"><a href="' + postUrl[i] + '" title="' + postSum[i] + '">' + postTitle[i] + '</a></td><td class="sitemap-entry-col2">' + postDate[i] + '</td><td class="sitemap-entry-col3">' + postLabels[i] + '</td></tr>';
   sitemapTable += '</table>';
   if (numDisplayed == postTitle.length) {
      var sitemapNote = '<span class="sitemap-note">Displaying all ' + postTitle.length + ' posts<br/></span>'; }
   else {
      var sitemapNote = '<span class="sitemap-note">Displaying ' + numDisplayed + ' posts labeled \'';
      sitemapNote += postFilter + '\' of '+ postTitle.length + ' posts total<br/></span>';
   sitemapdiv.innerHTML = sitemapNote + sitemapTable;
} // end of displayToc

function toggleTitleSort() {
   if (sortBy == "titleasc") { sortBy = "titledesc"; }
   else { sortBy = "titleasc"; }
} // end toggleTitleSort

function toggleDateSort() {
   if (sortBy == "datenewest") { sortBy = "dateoldest"; }
   else { sortBy = "datenewest"; }
} // end toggleTitleSort

function showToc() {
  if (sitemapLoaded) { 
     var sitemaplink = document.getElementById("sitemaplink");
  else { alert("Just wait... SITEMAP is loading"); }

function hideToc() {
  var sitemapdiv = document.getElementById("sitemap");
  sitemapdiv.innerHTML = '';
  var sitemaplink = document.getElementById("sitemaplink");
  sitemaplink.innerHTML = '<a href="#" onclick="scroll(0,0); showToc(); Effect.toggle('+"'sitemap-result','blind');"+'">» Show Table of Contents</a> <img src=""/>';
  <script src="/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&max-results=99999&callback=loadsitemap" type="text/javascript"></script>

<div class='postSection sitemaps' id='sitemaps'>
<div class='loading'>Please wait! Sitemap is Loading....</div>
var toc_config = {containerId:'sitemaps', showNew:0, sortAlphabetically:{thePanel:true, theList:true}, activePanel:1, slideSpeed:{down:400, up:400}, slideEasing:{down: null, up: null}, slideCallback:{down:function(){}, up:function(){}}, clickCallback:function(){}, jsonCallback:'sitemaps',delayLoading: 0};
window.onload = function(){
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If you are going to use this Sipemap Style 4 code you must have replace to your blog/website URL

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<div id="bp_toc">
  <script type='text/javascript'>
// ---------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------
// BlogToc creates a clickable Table Of Contents for
// Blogger Blogs.
// It uses the JSON post feed, and create a ToC of it.
// The ToC can be sorted by title or by date, both
// ascending and descending, and can be filtered by
// label.
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Author: Syed Faizan Ali
// Url:
// Version: 2
// Date: 2007-04-12
// ---------------------------------------------------
// global arrays

   var postTitle = new Array();     // array of posttitles
   var postUrl = new Array();       // array of posturls
   var postDate = new Array();      // array of post publish dates
   var postSum = new Array();       // array of post summaries
   var postLabels = new Array();    // array of post labels

// global variables
   var sortBy = "datenewest";         // default value for sorting ToC
   var tocLoaded = false;           // true if feed is read and ToC can be displayed
   var numChars = 250;              // number of characters in post summary
   var postFilter = '';             // default filter value
   var tocdiv = document.getElementById("bp_toc"); //the toc container
   var totalEntires =0; //Entries grabbed till now
   var totalPosts =0; //Total number of posts in the blog.

// main callback function

function loadtoc(json) {

   function getPostData() {
   // this functions reads all postdata from the json-feed and stores it in arrays
      if ("entry" in json.feed) {
         var numEntries = json.feed.entry.length;
         totalEntires = totalEntires + numEntries;
         var nextjsoncall = document.createElement('script');
         nextjsoncall.type = 'text/javascript';
         nextjsoncall.setAttribute("src", "/feeds/posts/summary?start-index=" + startindex + "&max-results=500&alt=json-in-script&callback=loadtoc");
      // main loop gets all the entries from the feed
         for (var i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
         // get the entry from the feed
            var entry = json.feed.entry[i];

         // get the posttitle from the entry
            var posttitle = entry.title.$t;

         // get the post date from the entry
            var postdate = entry.published.$t.substring(0,10);

         // get the post url from the entry
            var posturl;
            for (var k = 0; k <; k++) {
               if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {
               posturl =[k].href;

         // get the post contents from the entry
         // strip all html-characters, and reduce it to a summary
            if ("content" in entry) {
               var postcontent = entry.content.$t;}
               if ("summary" in entry) {
                  var postcontent = entry.summary.$t;}
               else var postcontent = "";
         // strip off all html-tags
            var re = /<\S[^>]*>/g; 
            postcontent = postcontent.replace(re, "");
         // reduce postcontent to numchar characters, and then cut it off at the last whole word
            if (postcontent.length > numChars) {
               postcontent = postcontent.substring(0,numChars);
               var quoteEnd = postcontent.lastIndexOf(" ");
               postcontent = postcontent.substring(0,quoteEnd) + '...';

         // get the post labels from the entry
            var pll = '';
            if ("category" in entry) {
               for (var k = 0; k < entry.category.length; k++) {
                  pll += '<a href="javascript:filterPosts(\'' + entry.category[k].term + '\');" title="Click here to select all posts with label \'' + entry.category[k].term + '\'">' + entry.category[k].term + '</a>,  ';
            var l = pll.lastIndexOf(',');
            if (l != -1) { pll = pll.substring(0,l); }

         // add the post data to the arrays
      if(totalEntires==totalPosts) {tocLoaded=true;showToc();}
   } // end of getPostData

// start of showtoc function body
// get the number of entries that are in the feed
//   numEntries = json.feed.entry.length;

// get the postdata from the feed

// sort the arrays
   tocLoaded = true;

// filter and sort functions

function filterPosts(filter) {
// This function changes the filter
// and displays the filtered list of posts
  // document.getElementById("bp_toc").scrollTop = document.getElementById("bp_toc").offsetTop;;
   postFilter = filter;
} // end filterPosts

function allPosts() {
// This function resets the filter
// and displays all posts

   postFilter = '';
} // end allPosts

function sortPosts(sortBy) {
// This function is a simple bubble-sort routine
// that sorts the posts

   function swapPosts(x,y) {
   // Swaps 2 ToC-entries by swapping all array-elements
      var temp = postTitle[x];
      postTitle[x] = postTitle[y];
      postTitle[y] = temp;
      var temp = postDate[x];
      postDate[x] = postDate[y];
      postDate[y] = temp;
      var temp = postUrl[x];
      postUrl[x] = postUrl[y];
      postUrl[y] = temp;
      var temp = postSum[x];
      postSum[x] = postSum[y];
      postSum[y] = temp;
      var temp = postLabels[x];
      postLabels[x] = postLabels[y];
      postLabels[y] = temp;
   } // end swapPosts

   for (var i=0; i < postTitle.length-1; i++) {
      for (var j=i+1; j<postTitle.length; j++) {
         if (sortBy == "titleasc") { if (postTitle[i] > postTitle[j]) { swapPosts(i,j); } }
         if (sortBy == "titledesc") { if (postTitle[i] < postTitle[j]) { swapPosts(i,j); } }
         if (sortBy == "dateoldest") { if (postDate[i] > postDate[j]) { swapPosts(i,j); } }
         if (sortBy == "datenewest") { if (postDate[i] < postDate[j]) { swapPosts(i,j); } }
} // end sortPosts

// displaying the toc

function displayToc(filter) {
// this function creates a three-column table and adds it to the screen
   var numDisplayed = 0;
   var tocTable = '';
   var tocHead1 = 'POST TITLE';
   var tocTool1 = 'Click to sort by title';
   var tocHead2 = 'POST DATE';
   var tocTool2 = 'Click to sort by date';
   var tocHead3 = 'LABELS';
   var tocTool3 = '';
   if (sortBy == "titleasc") { 
      tocTool1 += ' (descending)';
      tocTool2 += ' (newest first)';
   if (sortBy == "titledesc") { 
      tocTool1 += ' (ascending)';
      tocTool2 += ' (newest first)';
   if (sortBy == "dateoldest") { 
      tocTool1 += ' (ascending)';
      tocTool2 += ' (newest first)';
   if (sortBy == "datenewest") { 
      tocTool1 += ' (ascending)';
      tocTool2 += ' (oldest first)';
   if (postFilter != '') {
      tocTool3 = 'Click to show all posts';
   tocTable += '<table>';
   tocTable += '<tr>';
   tocTable += '<td class="toc-header-col1">';
   tocTable += '<a href="javascript:toggleTitleSort();" title="' + tocTool1 + '">' + tocHead1 + '</a>';
   tocTable += '</td>';
   tocTable += '<td class="toc-header-col2">';
   tocTable += '<a href="javascript:toggleDateSort();" title="' + tocTool2 + '">' + tocHead2 + '</a>';
   tocTable += '</td>';
   tocTable += '<td class="toc-header-col3">';
   tocTable += '<a href="javascript:allPosts();" title="' + tocTool3 + '">' + tocHead3 + '</a>';
   tocTable += '</td>';
   tocTable += '</tr>';
   for (var i = 0; i < postTitle.length; i++) {
      if (filter == '') {
         tocTable += '<tr><td class="toc-entry-col1"><a href="' + postUrl[i] + '" title="' + postSum[i] + '">' + postTitle[i] + '</a></td><td class="toc-entry-col2">' + postDate[i] + '</td><td class="toc-entry-col3">' + postLabels[i] + '</td></tr>';
      } else {
          z = postLabels[i].lastIndexOf(filter);
          if ( z!= -1) {
             tocTable += '<tr><td class="toc-entry-col1"><a href="' + postUrl[i] + '" title="' + postSum[i] + '">' + postTitle[i] + '</a></td><td class="toc-entry-col2">' + postDate[i] + '</td><td class="toc-entry-col3">' + postLabels[i] + '</td></tr>';
   tocTable += '</table>';
   if (numDisplayed == postTitle.length) {
      var tocNote = '<span class="toc-note">Displaying all ' + postTitle.length + ' posts<br/></span>'; }
   else {
      var tocNote = '<span class="toc-note">Displaying ' + numDisplayed + ' posts labeled \'';
      tocNote += postFilter + '\' of '+ postTitle.length + ' posts total<br/></span>';
   tocdiv.innerHTML = tocNote + tocTable;
} // end of displayToc

function toggleTitleSort() {
   if (sortBy == "titleasc") { sortBy = "titledesc"; }
   else { sortBy = "titleasc"; }
} // end toggleTitleSort

function toggleDateSort() {
   if (sortBy == "datenewest") { sortBy = "dateoldest"; }
   else { sortBy = "datenewest"; }
} // end toggleTitleSort

function showToc() {
  if (tocLoaded) { 
     var toclink = document.getElementById("toclink");
  else { alert("Just wait... TOC is loading"); }

function hideToc() {
  var tocdiv = document.getElementById("toc");
  tocdiv.innerHTML = '';
  var toclink = document.getElementById("toclink");
  toclink.innerHTML = '<a href="#" onclick="scroll(0,0); showToc(); Effect.toggle('+"'toc-result','blind');"+'">» Show Table of Contents</a> <img src=""/>';
<script src="/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&max-results=9999&callback=loadtoc" type="text/javascript"></script>

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